You will be added to the email list to receive updates on the progress of the pod throughout the next year
Not only will you be added to our email list, but you will also be entitled to behind the scene videos and interviews with the team throughout the year
Your contribution helps to buy the parts for our electric motor and power our pod through the Hyperloop
Your donation goes towards the redesign and building of a new braking system capable of stopping our pod from at least 250 MPH in 400 Meters!
With the help of your donation we will be able to design new suspension and wheels to create a smooth ride during our mile long run for optimal performance and speed. You will also get the chance to have a lunch or dinner with some members on the team!
Through your generous donation, your name or company logo will be displayed on the side of our pod and on our website publicly thanking you for your contribution to our pod. You will also be entitled to a tour of our facilities.
Includes all of the benefits in the lower packages, and also included a preview of the pod and a chance to explore the inner workings of the pod from our project and engineering leads.