To all of our awesome supporters and donors:
Thank you so much for your generous support. We were able to reach 60% of our goal and will continue striving to invent the future of transportation. Hyperloop at Virginia Tech greatly appreciates your support in helping us achieve our ultimate goal of turning the hyperloop concept into a reality.
Your donations will help us immensely as we shift our design towards an all-electric powered hyperloop pod for the next competition this summer. After submitting our Final Design Package, we have been approved by SpaceX to move forward to the next stage of the competition, where we will begin building our physical hyperloop pod for competition in California! For a full list of advancing teams, you can visit this website:
Stay updated with by following us on our Facebook page and website! Let's break a pod!
Hyperloop at Virginia Tech
We would like to thank each and every one of you for your generous donations towards our vision. We are super excited to build a brand new pod for the next competition. In order for us to hit our $6,000 mark which is only $50 away, please share our campaign and vision with your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone else! Every dollar counts! #RidethePod
With 10 Days left in our crowdfunding campaign, we have raised 47% of our goal! We can thank everyone enough for all of the support that they have given us and can't wait to bring you guys with us into the future of Hyperloop!
We are also excited to announce the release of our new Hyperloop video. Big thanks to Binema for helping with all of the filming and editing and creating our amazing video.
Check out the video below and share it with friends and colleagues!
Crowdfunding Update
With a little less than 2 weeks left of our crowdfunding campaign, we appreciate your generosity for helping us reach 44% of our goal! Huge thank you to everyone that has donated, liked and shared our crowdfunding posts on Facebook! We still need to keep going and striving towards our goal! Please continue to donate and share our crowdfunding link with your network and those who may be interested! We need your help to revolutionize the future of transportation!
Here are some updates from the past 2 weeks:
Behind the Scenes of our New Video
With the launch of our campaign, we have been working hard on creating fresh new video on the hyperloop concept.
We can't wait for everyone to see it. We will say where we think the future of Hyperloop at Virginia Tech and the Hyperloop concept are going to go in the near future!
Check out some behind the scene photos and get ready to #RidethePod with Hyperloop at Virginia Tech!
Thanks to Apex and Jack Sepple
Huge thanks for Apex Systems Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Virginia Tech Pamplin College of Business for hosting Jack Sepple, Senior Managing Director and Global Technology Officer at Accenture, here at Virginia Tech this weekend! On October 19th, we got the opportunity to learn about the importance of innovation for companies and his journey after he finished his studies at Virginia Tech. Then on the 20th, we got a fantastic opportunity to sit down with Jack and some members from The Innovate Entrepreneurial Living-Learning Community for lunch at Owens dining hall to continue learning more about his experiences. It was a great time getting to hear from Jack about his past experiences and getting advice on what we can do to be successful in a world where innovation becomes the forefront of every business.
You will be added to the email list to receive updates on the progress of the pod throughout the next year
Not only will you be added to our email list, but you will also be entitled to behind the scene videos and interviews with the team throughout the year
Your contribution helps to buy the parts for our electric motor and power our pod through the Hyperloop
Your donation goes towards the redesign and building of a new braking system capable of stopping our pod from at least 250 MPH in 400 Meters!
With the help of your donation we will be able to design new suspension and wheels to create a smooth ride during our mile long run for optimal performance and speed. You will also get the chance to have a lunch or dinner with some members on the team!
Through your generous donation, your name or company logo will be displayed on the side of our pod and on our website publicly thanking you for your contribution to our pod. You will also be entitled to a tour of our facilities.
Includes all of the benefits in the lower packages, and also included a preview of the pod and a chance to explore the inner workings of the pod from our project and engineering leads.