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VTCAR Annual Autism Conference

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
22 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 01, at 08:00 PM EDT
Project Owners

Conference Rural Panel

April 30, 2018

Did you miss our annual conference this year? Don't worry! We are luckily able to provide a recording of the rural panel segment the event. Learn about our rural panelist's experiences with resources, for those with autism and their families, in rural communities.

**For best viewing please utilize firefox or internet explorer

Conference Keynote Speaker

April 30, 2018

Here is the recording and presentation by our keynote speaker Diana Robins! Make sure to check out our donation tab to help ensure our conferences will always have amazing speakers like her. 

$221.00 helps us compensates each highly qualified keynote speaker for sharing his/her research in the field.

**for best viewing quality utilize firefox or internet explorer

Parent Panelist Interview

April 23, 2018

Find out what parent panelist Lisa Teegarden-Cabay enjoyed most while attending this year's VTCAR Conference!



**for best viewing quality please utilize Firefox or Internet Explorer

Awareness Booth

April 18, 2018

Join us as we celebrate National Autism Month the best way we know raising awareness!


What: VTCAR autism awareness booth

When: Tuesday, April 24th. 3:30pm-7pm

Where: Virginia Tech Student Center- Squires Plaza


We hope to see you there!



Parent Panelist

April 11, 2018

We had a wonderful panel of parents at our recent conference who shared their experiences and ideas with us. Hear Letitia Hawkins-Beatty's perspective on how the VTCAR Conference has helped strengthen her family.


**for best viewing quality please utilize Firefox or Internet Explorer

National Autism Awareness Month!

April 09, 2018

There is not one autism. The range of conditions characterized by challenges with communication, social skills and repetitive behaviors result in a variety of strengths and challenges in each child and adult with autism. April is autism awareness month. During this time we are especially focused on acknowledging the varying types of autism that stem from different combinations of genetic and environmental influences and educating our friends, family and community members about ASD. Join us in growing awareness for autism so loved ones on the spectrum, and those who care for them, can feel supported and be connected to resources! What will you do this month to make a difference?


Ruralities of Autism TedTalk

April 04, 2018

The Office of the Vice President for Research at Virginia Tech  recognizes Amy Price Azano, an assistant professor of adolescent literacy in the School of Education of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, for her studies of adolescent literacy and rural education.


With colleagues at the University of Virginia, she is the co-principal investigator of a $1.9 million, five-year Azano’s scholarship, focuses on rural literacies, place-based pedagogy, and the literacy needs of special populations, particularly those in rural communities. She also does extensive community service, professional development, and advocacy work in the field of autism.


Azano is an affiliate faculty member with the Virginia Tech Center for Autism Research, serving on the steering committee and leading the education research core. If you missed the presentation of her research at our annual  conference, check out her TedTalk that goes into further details about her research and personal experiences with autism in rural areas.


Parent Panelist Interview

April 02, 2018

Hear parent panelist, Lisa Teegarden- Cabay, speak on how our annual conference helps parents and what they may get out of it.

*for best viewing quality please utilize Firefox or Internet Explorer*

Conference Success!

March 26, 2018

Our annual conference was a hit! On Friday we welcomed over 100 guests and raised over $850.00. We are so thankful for all the donations and overall support from our conference attendees and speakers!


This support helps us continue to host conferences that contribute to the general public's education and awareness of Autism. Reaching our fundraising goal will ensure we can hold this conference in future years. We thank you for your continued support!


Conference this Friday!

March 21, 2018

We look forward to seeing you all at our 6th annual Virginia Tech Autism Clinic and Center for Autism Research conference. Hear the latest developments & updates in autism research for educators, clinicians, researchers, and families. New this year we have added workshops regarding the IEP process and Medicaid Waivers, and a special rural expert panel to discuss needs in rural communities. 

Featuring Keynote Speaker: Dr. Diana Robins from Drexel University on "Early Screening for ASD in Toddlers".



Donations will also be collected the day of the conference in the form of cash or check. Please vista the JUMP Donations table if you're interested in contributing to our cause!


Choose a giving level


General Support

This donation goes towards the overall support of VTCAR and the expenses we encounter throughout the year preparing for our annual conference.


Rural Panel and Parent Panel

This donation allows us to motivate parents and community members to speak about their experiences and daily encounters with the Autistic population. These panels help educate those directly affected and those not affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders to better the general public.



Pays for an Exhibitor to attend and present. This gives parents the opportunity to find resources for their children.


Venue Costs

This covers a fraction of the cost for the local venue and all its amenities. This includes parking, technological equipment, lodging, presentation spaces, and refreshments.



Contributes to the travel expenses of our valued speakers and workshop leaders. These individuals come from across the country to share their expertise and findings.



Compensates each highly qualified keynote speaker for sharing his/her research in the field.

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