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Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team (HEVT)

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
41 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 01, at 09:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Update #1!

October 18, 2017


New methods for motor mounting and driveshaft designs are complete to reduce undesired vibrations and improve driver comfort. 

Currently, our team members are working towards having the vehicle fully functional by early-November. 


Recently, the team attended Fall Workshop, at MathWorks in Natick, MA. Team leadership returned and reiterated their confidence in the team's ability to have a very successful EcoCar 3 final competition.

The team recently had the opportunity to showcase the car at this year's VT vs. WVU football game that was held at FedEx Field. The Dean of the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, Dean Ross, and fans alike, were all very vocal about their enthusiasm for the car.


Choose a giving level


1st GEAR

Thanks for your support! This donation is a step to improve the ride and handling of the hybrid Camaro.


2nd GEAR

Thank you for your donation! This is a step to improve vibration isolation for our custom motor.


4th GEAR

You are awesome! This help will surely help us reinforce the floor pan of the hybrid Camaro.


8th GEAR

You know no bounds! We are delighted for your donation that we will put your name on our vehicle to shout out your support.

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