Thank you for visiting our page! If you'd like to make a gift in support of our project, you can do so by visiting and searching for "Hyperloop" or call Virginia Tech Gift Accounting at 800-533-1144 and ask to give to Hyperloop.

Diggeridoos at Virginia Tech

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
69 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 03, at 05:00 PM EDT
Project Owners

Thank You Donors!!!

April 28, 2021

The Diggeridoos at Virginia Tech would like to thank YOU for the overwhelming support we have received from our donors which has generated $7,000 for our team in such a short amount of time. 


Since the launch of our campaign, we have been hard at work making progress towards winning in competition. We have finalized our design after several rounds of scrutiny and review from industry professionals and are now beginning construction of the machine. We hope to share photos and videos of our progress with you as soon as possible as we recently were able to move into our new lab space with the Virginia Tech ECE department.

Without your generosity none of our work would be possible, and it is with your continued support we will be able to reach our end goal of $10,000.  


Please continue to spread the word about the Diggeridoos crowdfunding campaign. We still have 25 more days until May 21st, so let’s hit that goal!

Choose a giving level


Exclusive Boring Access

Gift at this level allows you to join our monthly mailing list for up-to-date insider information on the progress of our machine, and updates from the team members!


$50 for

On top of monthly email updates on our progress, gifts on this level allow your name will be added to the website and our exclusive Diggeridoos stickers!!


Merched up!

Merched up with the basis we can't forget a hat! Not a hardhat but one that can get you through the sun. All marched up but want more... don't forget to check out our other merch!!


Boring Trip

Your gift helps us to fund the travel and accommodation costs for approximately 1 member of our team! Gifts made at this level also will be thanked with an invitation to our Boring Conversation, your name on our machine, and Exclusive Boring Access. **name on machine**


Name The Machine

Help us name our tunnel boring machine for the competition! Gifts at this level will also be thanked with an invitation to our Boring Conversation, your name on the machine, and Exclusive Boring Access. **post about the sponsorship**

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