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Help students present research at NCUR 2020

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
11 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 14, at 11:55 PM EST
Project Owners

Thank You to our supporters!

October 14, 2019

With 31 Days left in the Crowdfund Campaign, we want to say thank you to everyone who has donated so far! However! We can continue getting closer to our goal! Please keep sharing our campaign! Every dollar counts!



Choose a giving level


Help Students Present at NCUR

Help undergraduates present their research at NCUR 2020... Every dollar counts!


Print a Poster

This helps one student print their research poster for NCUR 2020.


Accommodation for One Night

Cover the cost for one night's stay at NCUR 2020 for one student.


Conference Registration

Cover the cost for one student's registration for NCUR 2020.


Airfare for One Student

Help one student fly to Montana for NCUR 2020.


Full Support for One Student

Total support for one student to present their research at NCUR 2020.

Our Crowdfunding Groups