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Help students present research at NCUR 2020

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
11 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 14, at 11:55 PM EST
Project Owners

Help students present research at NCUR 2020

The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is the largest conference on undergraduate research in the country. Each year, approximately 4,000 undergraduates from all over the country present their scholarship as posters, oral presentations, performances, and works of art. Montana State University will host NCUR2020 from March 25-28, 2020.

Presenting results of a research project are an important part of a student's overall research journey because it provides students with the opportunity to defend their work, exchange ideas, and even be inspired for future research. This conference provides students with the chance to network with peers, meet with graduate program representatives from across the country, develop effective communication skills, gain self-confidence as an emergent expert in their field, and increase general awareness of other areas of research.



The estimated cost for participation at NCUR2020 is $1,100 per student, which includes registration, transportation, and accommodation. This can be a barrier to many and one that the OUR believes it can and should remove. Over the past ten years, the OUR has covered all expenses for students. Acceptance rates have steadily climbed over the past several years, with 9 students presenting their work in 2019 and 14 in 2018, up from a norm of only two or three pre-dating 2014.  The OUR wants to make participation in this event a possibility for all interested students. Due to the conference's location and anticipated participation level, we are seeking financial assistance. Full support of this crowdfunding project will enable the OUR to cover expenses for student presenters, from any major and academic rank.


Please help us to provide students with this amazing opportunity. Every dollar counts towards getting a student to NCUR 2020 to present their research. Thank you for your support!

Choose a giving level


Help Students Present at NCUR

Help undergraduates present their research at NCUR 2020... Every dollar counts!


Print a Poster

This helps one student print their research poster for NCUR 2020.


Accommodation for One Night

Cover the cost for one night's stay at NCUR 2020 for one student.


Conference Registration

Cover the cost for one student's registration for NCUR 2020.


Airfare for One Student

Help one student fly to Montana for NCUR 2020.


Full Support for One Student

Total support for one student to present their research at NCUR 2020.

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