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Illuminate Their World, Engaruka Tanzania

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
48 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 27, at 08:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Meet the Children Whose World YOU Are Illuminating

April 18, 2018

Before 2018, children born into the Maasai ethnic group of Engaruka in Northern Tanzania lacked the chance to obtain a higher education. For young Maasai girls often forced into marriage at an early age, the reality of an education is especially slim. We want to change this storyline for all Maasai youth by continuing our efforts of creating a primary school taught in English that provides them with greater opportunities in life. 


One of our project focuses this upcoming summer, the photovoltaic system, will play an integral role in providing Maasai youth with a primary education. With its installation, the school will be able to power its activities and create the opportunity for adult night classes. The addition of both these functions will not only literally illuminate the world of these children but also illuminate their minds through education.   


So, today we "stand up" and celebrate all the generous donors who have helped us reach 59 percent of our overall crowdfunding goal so far. 


Will you help us help them?



One Week Down. Smiles All Around!

April 03, 2018

We want to thank all of the donors who have supported our campaign so far. We could not be more thrilled to have met 20 percent of our fundraising goal in only the first week and to be one step closer to illuminating the world of Maasai youth. 


Today marks 50 days since the Engaruka English Medium Primary School officially opened.  Your generous contribution will go a long way for the 48 children (25 girls, and 23 boys) getting a chance to further their education. 


With 80 percent of our $7,500 goal left to raise in 23 days, we still have a long way to go to ensure we will be able to make an impact when we travel to Engaruka in May. 


Together we are making a difference. 



Choose a giving level


Day's Food for VT Student

A small donation of $17 will cover an entire day's meals for a Virginia Tech student volunteer while working in Engaruka.


Teaching Materials

A donation of $26 will help cover the costs of teaching materials for student volunteers teaching English at the school.


Solar Panel Wiring

A contribution of $52 will help toward the costs of wiring for the school solar panel system.


Dorm Bunk Beds

A donation of $104 helps buy multiple mattresses for the children's bunk beds in the primary school dormitory.


Single Solar Panel

A generous donation of $250 covers the cost of a single solar panel for the primary school.


Student Travel Expenses

An extremely generous contribution of $1000 will completely fund the round trip airfare to Tanzania for a single SWB student volunteer.

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