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Geosciences Student Research Symposium 2018

Raised toward our $3,500 Goal
59 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 12:00 PM EST
Project Owners

Geosciences Student Research Symposium 2018

The mission of the Geosciences Department is to “discover and share knowledge of Earth processes, systems, and history.” We pride ourselves in pursuing challenging and important geoscience problems that have broad implications for society. Major areas of research include hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, tsunamis, water contamination), materials (nanoscience, biomineralization), resources (sustainability, resource management), and much more!

The effective communication of the results and significance of scientific research is critical in today’s society. It is imperative that scientists develop communication skills to engage various population groups in order to work towards solutions for various geoscience-related issues we face today. One way the Geosciences Department is working towards this goal is through GSRS.

What is GSRS?

Geosciences Student Research Symposium (GSRS) is a 23-year old tradition in the Department of Geosciences that is organized and run entirely by graduate students with the goal of communicating our science to our peers in the department. GSRS helps students at all levels to develop scientific presentation skills through the preparation and presentation of both oral and poster presentations on their ongoing research to the entire department and the broad community. Additionally, each student receives feedback on their research and presentation skills from both fellow students and faculty members. This is a unique aspect of GSRS that helps students to grow and develop as effective researchers and communicators.

GSRS also promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and networking, and allows students to gain experience in leadership, team building and mentoring. Conversations between students and faculty members - during oral and poster sessions, over a coffee break, and at the end of GSRS banquet, foster greater collaboration and development of research.

What’s new with GSRS?

Last year, GSRS moved to Kelly Hall in order to promote greater visibility on campus. We saw a wonderful turnout last year and we hope to see you again this year! The dates for GSRS are set to be 22-23 February, 2018.

This year we've introduced a new series called the “Pre-GSRS Series," a set of monthly talks led by faculty, post docs, graduate students and external advisory panel members aimed at preparing students to tackle the research world with confidence. Topics covered include: how to conduct effective research, how to make an attractive and captivating presentation and/or poster, how to effectively communicate science, how to use social media to communicate science, gearing up for jobs and internships, and more.

The success of the symposium depends in large part on donations because GSRS receives no funds from the department or university. Consider donating to GSRS!





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This donation will help us to provide drinks and snacks during coffee breaks at the symposium, where many new collaborations and research ideas begin.



This donation will cover the cost of a meal for one student to attend the GSRS banquet.



This donation will help to cover the cost of poster printing for an undergraduate student.



This donation will cover the cost of attendance for one student at the symposium.



This donation will be used toward covering the cost of a session in the Pre-GSRS lecture series.

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