This species had the greatest number of observed window kills. Your $7 donation will support our work for approximately the cost of five pounds of birdseed.
Dark-eyed juncos are winter visitors that frequently fall victim to reflective glass. Your $16 contribution will help reduce window strikes - one of many threats to migratory birds.
Cedar waxwings travel in flocks, leading to group collisions with windows. Your donation of $24 will cover the cost of a student researcher for a day.
American robin fledglings are particularly susceptible to collisions with reflective glass. Your donation of $57 provides $1 for each of the bird species identified in our pilot project.
Woodpeckers like the yellow-bellied sapsucker are often fooled by reflections of lone trees . Your donation of $129 will cover the cost of an undergraduate researcher for a week.
Common nighthawks are just one of the species in dramatic decline. We documented 242 different individual bird deaths in one research park during our pilot study. This giving level recognizes each of those fatalities with a $1 donation.