If You Have Suffered From Poison Ivy/Oak Rash, then you understand why I want to find new environmentally sustainable ways to combat poison ivy in managed landscapes. This goal is imperative because previous research by others (Mohan, 2006, PNAS) showed that expected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will cause poison ivy to: 1) grow faster, 2) get bigger, and 3) become even more noxious than it is now!
My lab is the only one in the world entirely dedicated to poison ivy/oak research. Working together with collaborators, I want to understand the fundamentals of poison ivy ecology and metabolism to find its Achille’s Heel(s) and then exploit those vulnerabilities to develop environmentally sustainable ways to control poison ivy.
Scientific Research Supported By This Crowd Funding:
2) Further develop the ITCHY cell phone app to enable citizen scientists to collect and share poison ivy data with the Jelesko lab.
3) Complete the DNA sequencing of the poison ivy genome (i.e. complete “genetic blueprint”).
For High Level Donors (at or above the $43 level): there will be opportunities to receive information and/or samples of over the counter treatment for poison ivy/oak rash from leading firms such as Zanfel
VT Poison Ivy Science Inspires Art: My poison ivy research program recently inspired the creation of a fictitious cartoon character named “Prof. J.J. Burkman” who aids the far more courageousPartners 5 super heroes to fight the megalomaniac personification of evil poison ivy, named “Heart Root”.
Be a Genuine Hero! Donate to The ITCHY Project and advance poison ivy science. Everyone who donates will receive a “Poison Ivy League” decal.