Thank you for supporting University Libraries' Cheesy Nights! You help keep Hokies fueled while they study for final exams and finish up final projects. Thank you for helping students be successful during finals week! 

Cheesy Nights

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
83 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 13, at 11:55 PM EDT
Project Owners

Thank you!

May 18, 2022
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.

The final night of Cheesy Nights with Coach Frank Beamer!

May 11, 2022

Students were thrilled to see the Big Cheese, Coach Frank Beamer, handing out grilled cheese sandwiches during the final night of Cheesy Nights at Newman Library. Getting their picture taken with Coach AND enjoying an ooey gooey crispy grilled cheese was an a-mozz-ing end to the academic year. 

The University Libraries, volunteers from across campus and the community, and Hokie parents served over 5,000 grilled cheese sandwiches to hungry Hokies during spring 2022 finals week. 

We are looking forward to December and cranking up the grills again in front of Newman Library to warm hearts and bellies during finals.

By giving to Cheesy Nights, you help support this important initiative and give students the extra encouragement they need to succeed. 

Thank you!


Night four of Cheesy Nights was brie-utiful!

May 10, 2022

It was a brie-utiful spring evening to grill sandwiches and make Hokies smile. 

Volunteers from across campus and parent volunteers strapped on their Cheesy Nights aprons and got down to business serving cocoa, lemonade, snacks, fruit, and grilled cheese sandwiches to students who still have a few finals and projects to complete. We had to make a run to the store earlier in the afternoon to ensure we had enough snack bags and fruit! Students love fresh apples and bananas. They also save those snack bags for a midnight study snack!

We will crank up the grills tonight for the last night of spring 2022 Cheesy Nights. 

Thank you for giving! 

All funds raised for Cheesy Nights help pay for the grilled cheese ingredients, snacks, fruit and beverages served throughout the nights. Thank you for supporting studying students!


A little extra love for night three of Cheesy Nights!

May 09, 2022

Night three of Cheesy Nights was outside on the library plaza and was one students didn't want to swiss! Special guest, Virginia Tech's head football coach Brent Pry helped hand out grilled cheese to Hokies AND it was Mother's Day!  As one Hokie said, "Newman grilled cheese feels like home." 

We have served a total of 3,000 sandwiches over the last three Cheesy Nights (Thursday, Friday, and Sunday)! That's a lot of buttery, crispy, cheesy encouragement for hungry Hokies studying for finals. We will crank up the grills tonight for night four!

Donors like you make Cheesy Nights possible. Every dollar raised is used to purchase the grilled cheese ingredients, snacks and drinks served during Cheesy Nights. Thank you for your financial contributions to this important initiative and for supporting studying students!


The second night of Cheesy Nights moved indoors and was a-mozz-ing!

May 07, 2022

Rain didn't stop the sizzle as volunteers moved Cheesy Nights to inside the Newman Library cafe! Studious Hokies grabbed a crispy sandwich, fruit, chips and drinks and took them to their favorite spots all over the library to get down to serious studying.

Cheesy Nights will be back Sunday night, Monday night, and Tuesday night on the plaza outside of Newman Library!

Thank you for supporting hungry Hokies and helping them stay fueled during finals! 


The first night of Cheesy Nights was gouda!

May 06, 2022

We were so "grilled" to see everyone at the opening night of Cheesy Nights! 

We served 950 crispy grilled cheese sandwiches to hungry Hokies throughout the evening. Nothing gets cheddar than this!

Second night of Cheesy Nights is tonight! Let's crank up the grills and start flippin' cheesy goodness.

Thank you for your support to help Hokies have a brie-lliant exam week!

Choose a giving level


Study Snack

A gift of $5 provides one student with a study snack of grilled cheese sandwich, hot chocolate and a cookie.


Hot Chocolate

A gift of $10 can buy three canisters of hot chocolate!


Mini Marshmallows

$15 can provide 8 bags of mini marshmallows.



We go through a lot of bread! A gift of $20 buys us bread for 60 sandwiches!


Senior Class Big Cheese

Current Seniors who make a gift of $5 or more to Cheesy Nights will have their gift count as their Senior Class Gift. Gifts of $22+ will receive a commemorative mug and graduation cord as a thank you. More information can be found about the Senior Class Gift and mug/cord pick up times by visiting


Apple of our eye!

$50 is enough to buy 28 pounds of apples for our students studying for finals.

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