Without a chapter scholarship junior Ryan Wheatley would have attended an in-state school that didn’t offer his degree program.
His chapter scholarship made it possible to afford out-of-state tuition and study dairy science. Wheatley, who will graduate in 2022, said Virginia Tech is the right place for him.
Each year chapters around the world rally together to raise money for student scholarships to help Hokies in their neighborhood. The scholarships make a difference for Hokies like Wheatley.
You can support a new Hokie from the area by making a gift to our chapter’s crowdfunding campaign. Together First State Hokies are trying to raise $2,000. Chapters all over are challenging local alumni to contribute.
Gifts of any size matter and it's a chance to help Hokies in our community.
Donors to our scholarship fund through this page will be thanked with a special Virginia Tech Alumni sticker so you can let the community know that you care about supporting the Hokie experience!
“I have grown so much during my time at VT, both as an individual and in dairy science,” said Wheatley. “I know that when I complete my time at VT, my future possibilities are limitless.”
Every little bit counts as we support our local Hokie students.
Alumni support is critical to continuing to provide financial support to local students. Help us help other Hokies!
As our students move far away from home, help us make their first year in Blacksburg a little easier with a local alumni scholarship.