Pay for one student's admission--and allow them to learn fascinating stories of black Virginians in the age of emancipation. It's the kind of experience that could make a big difference in their understanding of the world.
This level funds production of one interpretive artifact/image label, with professional design and high-quality printing. We want our exhibit to look really good!
Production of a large interpretive wall panel on a core topic like black soldiers' experiences during the Civil War. We need professional design and high-quality printing to make these panels pop!
Fund admission for an entire K-12 class, and enrich Virginia schoolchildren's understanding of how African Americans experienced the aftermath of slavery. Help us make sure our exhibit has a big impact.
Giving at this level would be amazing--funding construction of one whole section of the exhibit, with multiple interpretive panels and artifact/image labels. You'd be responsible for sharing powerful stories about a major theme of African American life like education, the family, or labor.