Hi my name is Muhannah Hossain and I am incredibly privileged to be on the Homecoming Court this fall. My platform, Holding Hands with Hossain, is an anti-bullying campaign which centers around building community and promoting positivity in elementary schools. I am patterning with the COR foundation to host a clinic for college students to learn about common bullying themes. And then, as part of a two-day event, we will be going to an elementary school in the area and spending a few hours with those students, teaching them those same bullying themes. The money raised will go towards various costs incurred by hosting the clinic along with transportation costs to the elementary schools in the area. The idea is, that by teaching them these themes so early on in their lives we can affect them at a young age. And as they grow older they will hopefully leave behind their previous ideals. Together, we can begin to end the problem before it even begins.