On behalf of the entire GSRS Planning Committee, we thank all of our annual donors for helping make GSRS possible. We have now exceeded our goal of $4,000 with plenty of time to spare in our fundraising campaign. Again, it is because of you that GSRS can go year after year. We look forward to sharing highlights of GSRS25 with all of you in February 2020!
GSRS25 Planning Committee
A huge THANK YOU to the 53 donors who have brought us so incredibly close to meeting our crowdfunding goal for the 25th Graduate Student Research Symposium! Without you, none of this would be possible.
Friends of the department, we are currently in the final stretch of our crowdfunding campaign with 86% of our goal being met and only $557 to go. As a reminder, GSRS is an annual event that brings students, alumni, faculty, and friends of the department together for an exhibition of the excellent research being done by the future generations of geoscientists here, at Virginia Tech. Additionally, the practice of communicating scientific research provides an invaluable experience for students to sharpen their presentation skills and to receive critical feedback on their work from a broad and attentive audience.
Your role is crucial in the development of GSRS! The two-day research symposium and pre-GSRS workshops are completely run and organized by the students of the Virginia Tech Department of Geosciences without any contributions from the University. Therefore, funding of GSRS is solely dependent on donations from people like you.
We are almost there! To help us complete this final push, please visit the 2020 Geosciences Student Research Symposium page and consider making a donation. Contributions are tax deductible and ultimately provide the continuation for a longstanding tradition of scholarship and student betterment. With your help, we can make the 25th anniversary edition of GSRS the most special event to date!
GSRS25 Fundraising Team
If you are having trouble clicking on the link above, please copy and paste this address into your web browser: https://crowdfund.vt.edu/project/16057/donate
To all of you who have already given to this years Geosciences Student Research Symposium: thank you! Our fundraising campaign is off to a great start because of you.
If you haven’t given yet, now is the time! As a reminder of the importance of your tax-deductable gift, GSRS is a conference unlike any other. GSRS is organized and operated entirely by students of the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech. GSRS doesn’t use any university-provided funding, it is financed entirely through your generosity.
It is difficult to overstate the impact of your donation. Your gift supports a pre-GSRS Workshop Series where undergraduate and graduate students learn to get the most from their time at professional conferences. Your gift helps provide a venue, Kelly Hall, where we present our research. Your gift also helps us provide a post-GSRS reception in the Museum of Geosciences.
You are an integral part of GSRS, we can’t do this without you! Now is the perfect time, please visit the 2020 Geosciences Student Research Symposium donation page and make your donation. Let's make this the best GSRS yet!
With gratitude,
GSRS25 Fundraising Team
If you are having trouble clicking on the link above, please copy and paste this address into your web browser: https://crowdfund.vt.edu/project/16057/donate
Crowdfunding for GSRS25 is now live! If you would like to make a contribution to the 25th annual GSRS at Virginia Tech, you can follow the link here: https://crowdfund.vt.edu/project/16057
We sincerely thank all of you, our supporters, for helping this event go year after year!
Many thanks for your continued generosity,
GSRS25 Fundraising Committee
After two consecutive (very) successful crowdfunding campaigns, we are pleased to announce the launch of crowdfunding for GSRS25 at Virginia Tech! This event is a hallmark of the Department of Geosciences, affording students a platform to communicate their science across a wide range of sub-disciplines featured in our department. GSRS is only possible through the generosity of our alumni, friends, faculty, and students.
Crowdfunding will launch on Tuesday, October 1 at 8:00 AM EST, and can be accessed here: https://crowdfund.vt.edu/project/16057. We have decided to carry over the pre-determined monetary levels for you to choose from, as well as the option to donate an amount of your choosing.
We look forward to another successful crowdfunding season! Thanks to all of our donors for your sustained generosity.
GSRS25 Fundraising Team
Thanks again to all that donated to GSRS 2019. Your generosity has provided the means to, once again, hold a successful and enjoyable symposium for students, faculty, and friends of the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech. The 24th annual GSRS will run this Thursday and Friday, February 21st and 22nd, in Kelly Hall.
40 graduate student oral presentations are scheduled, complimented by a strong showing from undergraduates presenting posters. For more details about this year's GSRS, visit the official website here: http://www.magma.geos.vt.edu/gsrs/about.html, and check out abstracts here:
Be sure to follow GSRS on social media for live updates of this year’s event on:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GSRSVTGeos/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/GSRS_VTGeos
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/gsrs_vtgeos/
Again, on behalf of the students of the Dept. of Geosciences, we greatly appreciate your contributions and hope to see many of you later this week!
GSRS 2019 Planning Committee
Thanks to the generosity and support of our over 50 donors, we've already reached our fundraising goal for GSRS 2019. We rely exclusively on donations from friends of the Dept. of Geosciences, and because of your support we can once again put forth a memorable and exciting symposium in February.
Additional donations beyond our goal are, of course, welcomed. The Fundraising Committee has decided that additional funds will be directed toward hosting an invited guest speaker. Last year, Deans J.P. Morgan and Robin Panneton gave the opening addresses. An external speaker, however, will be a new addition to GSRS program and will provide a unique angle to the research focus of our symposium.
Again, many thanks to all who have and plan to donate to GSRS 2019. The 24th addition promises to be the best yet.
GSRS 2019 Fundraising Committee
This donation will help us to provide delicious drinks and snacks during coffee breaks at the symposium, where new research collaborations begin.
This donation will cover the cost of one meal for one student attending GSRS.
This donation will help to cover the cost of poster printing for an undergraduate student.
This donation will cover the cost of single-day attendance for one student at the symposium.
This donation will be used toward covering the cost of a session in the Pre-GSRS lecture series as well as supplement the cost of an invited speaker.